Total Women

Annie Tooray is the founder of Total Woman.

It was a forum in which conferences were presented with a difference about relevant and topical issues.

The goal was to empower and build women to be complete and fulfilled in all aspects of her life being her spirit , soul and body.

The key was to educate, empower and uplift and celebrate her feminine.

Our conferences since 2004 to date have covered various issues and we had prominent guests to equip and inform the women at the conferences.

We have partnered with Old Mutual and Estee Lauder’s make up team, Advocates, Attorneys, Accountants, health consultants, business people, and lifestyle coaches who imparted valuable information to motivate women to reach higher heights.

We have covered these topics with practical presentations :

  • Lifestyle
  • Stress management
  • Health power
  • Financial responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Legal rights
  • Healing from abused relationships
  • Hope for relations
  • Cooking and home décor demonstrations

The reason our Total Woman Conferences was different is that we gave the profits to Old Age Homes, Homes for Abused Women and to orphanages and various charities.

We continue to assist women who are abused and we support many other organisations with charitable donations.

We partner with other organisations to assist teenage girls with sanitary wear and clothes.

We continue to partner to give charity to the poor and to help wherever we can.

Pravda and Knowles have also established a Help Desk for Abused women to assist with maintenance , court matters and counselling.

Our slogan “ Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in all humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.”